2021 Trees SC Conference: A Virtual Success
by Danny Burbage, Conference Chair

Most of us have had our plans thwarted by the Covid pandemic and Trees SC is no exception. The pandemic forced us to resort to a virtual annual conference in 2020. In 2021, the Conference Committee and Board of Directors explored every possible option to sponsor an in-person conference in Greenville, but Covid numbers were rising in the state. With the health of our membership in mind, we reluctantly agreed that another virtual conference was the best option. The camaraderie and ever-important networking that’s possible during an in-person event was missing. However, arboricultural and community forestry information was present and plentiful. A group of respected experts shared their research, experiences, and accumulated knowledge with over 70 attendees.

Karen Firehock of the Green Infrastructure Center discussed an 18 month study the GIC conducted of South Carolina’s best tree ordinances. She shared why ordinances are needed and the best practices for rules and guidance that cities should have in place. A lack of good tree policies and ordinances can hinder tree coverage and the replacement of trees that are lost or removed.

Edward Kinney is a Certified Arborist and Principal Landscape Architect for the City of Greenville. Edward drilled down on good ordinance creation and gave an overview of Greenville’s tree ordinances and shared how they were developed and enforced.

Dr. Bob Polomski, Associate Professor at Clemson University presented An Evidence-Based Approach To Separate Fact From Fiction When choosing Natives And Non-Natives In The Built Environment. He discussed similarities and differences between native and non-native trees regarding their aesthetic contributions, ecosystem services and urban tolerances.

Laurie Reid Dukes is an entomologist and Assistant City Arborist for the City of Charlotte, NC. Laurie’s extensive knowledge and her ability to explain science in a very understandable manner make her a favored presenter. Laurie presented The Top 10 Insects and Diseases that Impact and Damage Trees.

Dr. Michael Raupp is Professor Emeritus and an Extension Specialist at the University of Maryland. He is an internationally recognized expert who has over 200 publications and has appeared on every major television network. Dr. Raupp has more than 900 presentations on the ecology of insects and mites. This is his third appearance speaking to Trees SC and this time he presented on the effect of climate change on pests and their impacts on trees,

A native New Yorker, Dr. Bruce Fraedrich has a special interest and unique perspective on the National 911 Memorial and Museum in New York City. In his role as a researcher and technical advisor for The Bartlett Tree Expert Company, Dr. Fraedrich assisted with Bartlett’s role in the cultivation, planting, and care of the landscape at the Memorial. Bruce’s real-time photographs of trees being transported, planted, and maintained along with his expert narrative of the planting project was illustrative of the attention to detail, professional acumen and sincere caring exhibited by the design, installation, and maintenance teams. Conference attendees were treated to a captivating and moving presentation.

Dr. Valerie Trouet is a professor in the Tree Ring Laboratory at the University of Arizona. Her research focuses on the climate of the past 2000 years and how it has influenced human history and ecosystems.  She gave us an overview of dendrochronology and how that science can help us understand and interpret the past.

A special part of every Trees SC Annual Conference is the announcement of the Heritage Tree and Golden Acorn awards. The Heritage Tree Award is sponsored by The Bartlett Tree Expert Company and is given by Trees SC in honor of a tree or group of trees held in special esteem by a community. The Golden Acorn Award is given to a person or persons who have made significant contributions to Community Forestry. Details of both awards and how to nominate candidates can be found on the Trees SC website www.treessc.org. Most years Heritage Tree winners and Golden Acorn winners come from different communities. This year was special. The Chinese fir growing in Swan Lake in Sumter was nominated for its beauty and ongoing contributions to Sumter by City Horticulturist, Brock McDaniel. Unknown by Brock, he was nominated by others for his long dedication and ongoing work on behalf of the entire landscape of Sumter. A celebration honoring both winners was held at Swan Lake this past Arbor Day. Congratulations to both deserving winners.

As good as the 2021 virtual conference was, we want 2022 to better. We want it to be personal with all of us together in the same room- not just a “Chat Room”. We have a signed contract for a hotel venue and are already thinking of more thought-provoking presentation to offer. With a little luck, we’ll see you in Greenville.